Fritz Vehring (DE), almost closed vase shape, turned on...Studio Pottery
Geert Schreuder (NL) - two almost closed vase shapes...Studio Pottery
Johan van Loon (NL), Corrugated loop tube 2, porcelain,...Sculptural ceramics
Christine Fabre attributed (FR), pot vase, thrown on the...Studio Pottery
Johan Broekema (NL), dark grey double collared vase on...Studio Pottery
Wim Borst (NL), two identical spatial trapezium-shaped...Architectural ceramics
Ursula Scheid (DE), bowl, thrown on the wheel,...Studio Pottery
Wouter Dam (NL) experiments with new vessel forms early...Architectural ceramics
Gerd Hiort Petersen (DK), lidded box, handthrown,...Studio Pottery
Crossroads between East and West, Study of geometric...Miscellaneous