Colin Pearson (UK), bowl on foot with six vertical wings...Sculptural ceramics
Silvia Beghè (IT), fine double-walled low bowl, thrown...Studio Pottery
Aldo Bakker (NL), designed by, waterjug, casted...Design
Aldo Bakker (NL), designed by, Vinegar cruet, casted...Design
Aldo Bakker (NL), designed by, milk/oil can, casted...Design
Francesca Lindh-Mascitti for Arabia (IT/FIN), vessel...Studio Pottery
Anne van der Waerden (NL), an ingenious trapezoidal...Architectural ceramics
Kyra Spieker (DE), tall socket object consisting of two...Sculptural ceramics
Karin Aasen (NO), bowl on foot in fruit shape, turned on...Studio Pottery
Emmanuel Peccatte (1974-2015) - spherical "carapace" in...Sculptural ceramics