Johan Broekema (NL), monumental lidded vase, exceptional...Studio Pottery
Wietske van Leeuwen (NL) - 'shell-pear' lidded pot,...Sculptural ceramics
Inke Lerch (DE), tall bowl with geometrical decoration,...Studio Pottery
Uwe Lerch (DE), thick-walled solid bowl, curved inwards...Studio Pottery
Peter Hayes (GB), bowed vase, thrown on the wheel and...Studio Pottery
Noor Camstra (NL), imposing ceramic object, titled "...Sculptural ceramics
Fritz Vehring (DE), almost closed vase shape, turned on...Studio Pottery
Geert Schreuder (NL) - two almost closed vase shapes...Studio Pottery
Johan van Loon (NL), Corrugated loop tube 2, porcelain,...Sculptural ceramics
Christine Fabre attributed (FR), pot vase, thrown on the...Studio Pottery