Alison Britton (UK), a rare set of a small container...Sculptural ceramics
Wietske van Leeuwen (NL), Pear bowl, creative assemblage...Sculptural ceramics
Johnny Rolf (NL), tall rectangular vase shape,...Architectural ceramics
Gyb Zaalberg NL), large, tall and heavy cylindrical vase...Studio Pottery
Colin Pearson (UK), jug with 'wing' handle, turned on...Sculptural ceramics
Maria van Kesteren (NL), very large wood-turned bowl,...Architectural ceramics
Jan de Rooden (NL), fine large bowl, turned on the wheel...Studio Pottery
Yuk Kan Yeung (HKG/NL), "Through the ancient China",...Sculptural ceramics
Tjok Dessauvage (BE), low, wide pot sculpture, open dark...Architectural ceramics
Jean-François Fouilhoux (FR), an impressive large wide...Sculptural ceramics