Hans de Jong (NL), tile plate with four pomegranates (...Sculptural ceramics
Pauline Wiertz (NL), Baroque lidded box with elaborate...Sculptural ceramics
Johan van Loon (NL), flat oval vase, folded from thin...Sculptural ceramics
Louis Manche / Marlies Diels-Schnauck, carried bowl with...Sculptural ceramics
Eduardo Constantino, teapot and bowl, partly thrown on...Sculptural ceramics
Gilbert Portanier (FR), bow object-saddle shape, curved...Sculptural ceramics
Alison Britton (UK), a rare set of a small container...Sculptural ceramics
Colin Pearson (UK), jug with 'wing' handle, turned on...Sculptural ceramics
Yuk Kan Yeung (HKG/NL), "Through the ancient China",...Sculptural ceramics
Jean-François Fouilhoux (FR), an impressive large wide...Sculptural ceramics