Wayne Fischer is born in the United States. Between 1972 and 1974 he joins the Carroll College - Waukesha, Wisconsin, USA. He visits the University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, USA between 1974 and 1978. In 1978 he receives the Diploma B.F.A. (Bachelor of Fine Arts). He is having his workshop for many years in Boston, USA but moves to Paris in France in 1986. Later he moves to the region Var. Wayne Fischer developed his technique in the late 1970s and remained faithful to it. His work is at once sensual, organic and sometimes disturbing. His glazes highlight these strange shapes and give them depth and a little more mystery. He has received numerous prizes in international bienales competitions. In 2012, he won the prestigious Bettencourt Prize “Intelligence de la Main”. He is a member of the International Academy of Ceramics. Works by Fischer were exhibited in Galerie Loes & Reinier International Ceramics Deventer (NL) in 1999 and 2005.
Wayne Fischer is born in the United States. Between 1972 and 1974 he joins the Carroll College - Waukesha, Wisconsin, USA. He visits the University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, USA between 1974 and 1978. In 1978 he receives the Diploma B.F.A. (Bachelor of Fine Arts). He is having his workshop for many years in Boston, USA but moves to Paris in France in 1986. Later he moves to the region Var. Wayne Fischer developed his technique in the late 1970s and remained faithful to it. His work is at once sensual, organic and sometimes disturbing. His glazes highlight these strange shapes and give them depth and a little more mystery. He has received numerous prizes in international bienales competitions. In 2012, he won the prestigious Bettencourt Prize “Intelligence de la Main”. He is a member of the International Academy of Ceramics. Works by Fischer were exhibited in Galerie Loes & Reinier International Ceramics Deventer (NL) in 1999 and 2005.
Pictures: Wayne Fischer, portrait (source website artist); object l, porcelain (source website artist); object ll, porcelain (source revelations-grandpalais.com); object lll, porcelain (source 1stDibs).