Cimatti, Giovanni

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Giovanni Cimatti is born in Faenza in 1949. Cimatti is captivated by the charm of three sources of inspiration: mythology, archaeology and architecture. He claims to feel related to architects who, by means of rhythm, volume, lines and function, put forward their personal vision of the world. Its mostly geometric basic forms of cubic form elements are constructed from slabs of clay and dried in special formwork. The decoration that follows is very typical. On the still wet clay Cimatti applies a thick layer of engobe with pigment. With a palette knife he scratches a certain pattern that covers almost the entire surface. Several of these scratches and notches are then filled in with another colour of engobe. The way of working used are graphics applied with the oriental sang- gam method, decals, single-fired stoneware, porcelain made with the Paper Clay method and above all with the personal intuition of the Raku Dolce method of which he is internationally recognized as an advocate.


He taught ceramic at the Art Institute of Siena, at Gaetano Ballardini in Faenza and then Director of the "Tommaso Minardi" School of Drawing and Plastics in Faenza. Currently he teaches at the State Institute of Art for Ceramics in Faenza. He began his artistic activity in the 70s developing a personal research on the relationships between form and surface, reworking various techniques such as idecori a sangam, raku and decals. He has been invited to Japan for an important personal exhibition and cultural exchanges and to Korea to hold seminars on ceramic art in the most important universities. He has held conferences with slides and ceramics courses in the United States, France, Belgium and Switzerland. He has worked as a designer for the Nuova Ceramica Faenza and has collaborated with the Laboratorio Giocare con l'Arte of the Museo Internazionale delle Ceramiche in Faenza. His works are present in various museums  and in publications of international level.

Works by Cimatti were exhibited in the Netherlands in Galerie Terra Delft and Stedelijk Museum Het Prinsenhof Delft - Keramiek uit Italie (1991), Galerie MAS, Landsmeer (1998), Stichting Kunst & Cultuur Keramuze, Bilthoven (1999), Galerie Artterre, Eefde (2000) (Text

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Pictures: Giovanni Cimatti, portrait (source; portrait (source Faenza Art Ceramic Center); bowl in Raku dolce, terra sigillata (source