Vilma Henkelman (NL), flat vase shape with horizontal...Sculptural ceramics
Ben Oldenhof (NL), vase on small base, thrown on the...Studio Pottery
Johan van Loon (NL), high oval vase shape with sweeping...Studio Pottery
Jean Claude de Crouzas (CH), cylindrical tall vase with...Studio Pottery
Mo Jupp (UK), standing female nude, porcelain, on a rust...Sculptural ceramics
Kristin Andreassen (NO/SWE), very large vessel,...Studio Pottery
Fritz Vehring (DE), almost closed vase shape, turned on...Studio Pottery
Gyb Zaalberg NL), large, tall and heavy cylindrical vase...Studio Pottery
Martin Gödersmann (DE), beautiful lidded pot, thrown, ...Studio Pottery
Johan van Loon (NL), Corrugated loop tube 2, porcelain,...Sculptural ceramics