Galerie - Sold objects

Han Boerrigter (NL) - lidded pot with oriental features

Han Boerrigter (NL), lidded pot, thrown on the wheel,...
Sold Objects

Barbara Stehr (DE) - flat cylindrical vase with long neck

Barbara Stehr (DE), flat cylindrical vase with long...
Sold Objects

Ursula Scheid (DE) - cylindrical large bowl with brown-red vibrant glaze

Ursula Scheid (DE), cylindrical tall bowl, turned on the...
Sold Objects

Bodil Manz (DK) - stepped oval cylinder, shaped like a comma

Bodil Manz (DK), stepped oval cylinder, shaped like a...
Sold Objects

Ursula Scheid (DE) - perfectly made lidded box with geometric band in bronze

Ursula Scheid (DE), perfectly made lidded box, turned on...
Sold Objects

Vilma Henkelman (NL) - flat vase shape, inspired by the work of Voulkos

Vilma Henkelman (NL), flat vase shape with rib structure...
Sold Objects

John Maltby (K) - oval sloping vase with side handle

John Maltby (UK), oval sloping vase with side handle,...
Sold Objects

Sonja Landweer (NL/Irl) - finely thrown bowl on foot with batik decoration

Sonja Landweer (NL/IRL), finely thrown bowl on hollow...
Sold Objects

Wim Borst (NL) - rectangular vase shape surrounded by a diagonally placed frame

Wim Borst (NL), intriguing construction of a rectangular...
Sold Objects

Vincent potier (FR) - high gloss lidded box with oriental calligraphic decoration

Vincent Potier (FR), lidded box, formed from slabs of...
Sold Objects
