Galerie - Sold objects

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Kate Malone (UK) - two carnival ware jugs

Kate Malone (UK) - two 'Carnival ware' jugs, stoneware,...
Sold Objects

Dutch Delft tile - Soldier doing exercises

Dutch Delft tile, depicting a soldier with helmet doing...
Sold Objects

Rokkjaer, Inger - a cilinder vase with creme collar

Inger Rokkjaer - a Raku fired reddish cilindervase with...
Sold Objects

Maria van Kesteren - woodturned elmwood box

The woodturned boxes by Maria van Kesteren are known for...
Sold Objects

Babs Haenen - small porcelain container with fancy pattern

Early slabbed container in white porcelain with a blue...
Sold Objects

Claude Champy (FR) - bowl on foot

Claude Champy (FR), handthrown bowl on foot, stoneware,...
Sold Objects

McLoughlin - a bowl with handle titled 'I am too'

The work of the for more than twenty years in Amsterdam...
Sold Objects

Jan Oosterman, ceramic slab with looming raven

Jan Oosterman uses his ceramic slabs as a bearer to...
Sold Objects

Guul Jacobs - huge lidded pot

Guul Jacobs makes huge lidded pots from stoneware, that...
Sold Objects

Claude Champy (FR) - ceramic flat lidded box

Claude Champy (FR) - ceramic flat lidded organic box (...
Sold Objects
