Ulla Hansen ist geboren am 29. April 29, 1953. Zwischen 1974 und 1979 hat Sie studiert am Det Jyske Kunstakademi. Ulla Hansen wohnt und arbeitet in Dänemark . Ihre Adresse ist Aldersrovej 31, DK 8200 Århus N, tel: +45 8616 6218, Mobil: +45 22344067, email: ulla@icnet.dk
Ulla Hansen ist vertreten in den Niederlanden von Galerie Loes & Reinier Deventer.
Pictures: Portrait; Ulla Hansen in Ihre Studio (Brunnen: Ihre Website); 3 Objekte; Signatur.
Werke des Künstlers:
Auf English
"My preferred shapes and forms are classical inspired by ancient, islamic and asian arts and crafts. My clay is the very sandy red clay from the South of Denmark. I mix and clean it myself and store it for more than a year before I use it. In my large trays and bowls I add stoneware clay. I throw all my pieces on the wheel, after which I pull or draw lobes, make facets, cut, shape and/or stamp bands. I give most pieces a slip - often several layers. I'm very fascinated by glazes and the hues derived from the slips and the ash and clay glazes. I use ash and clay glazes and the hues are derived from the slips : many types of different ashes like from beechwood, straw, oak yield different hues and colors. I much prefer light blue and green, turquoise colors. I fire my electrical kiln to around 1210° C until the clay crystallizes and melts body and glaze into one body. Reduction is quite heavy all the way to maximum temperature, which makes the clay very dark. Reduction is done with resinous wood."
Ulla Hansen ist geboren am 29. April 29, 1953. Zwischen 1974 und 1979 hat Sie studiert am Det Jyske Kunstakademi. Ulla Hansen wohnt und arbeitet in Dänemark . Ihre Adresse ist Aldersrovej 31, DK 8200 Århus N, tel: +45 8616 6218, Mobil: +45 22344067, email: ulla@icnet.dk
Besuche Ihre website: www.ullahansen.com
Ulla Hansen ist vertreten in den Niederlanden von Galerie Loes & Reinier Deventer.
Pictures: Portrait; Ulla Hansen in Ihre Studio (Brunnen: Ihre Website); 3 Objekte; Signatur.
Auf English
"My preferred shapes and forms are classical inspired by ancient, islamic and asian arts and crafts. My clay is the very sandy red clay from the South of Denmark. I mix and clean it myself and store it for more than a year before I use it. In my large trays and bowls I add stoneware clay. I throw all my pieces on the wheel, after which I pull or draw lobes, make facets, cut, shape and/or stamp bands. I give most pieces a slip - often several layers. I'm very fascinated by glazes and the hues derived from the slips and the ash and clay glazes. I use ash and clay glazes and the hues are derived from the slips : many types of different ashes like from beechwood, straw, oak yield different hues and colors. I much prefer light blue and green, turquoise colors. I fire my electrical kiln to around 1210° C until the clay crystallizes and melts body and glaze into one body. Reduction is quite heavy all the way to maximum temperature, which makes the clay very dark. Reduction is done with resinous wood."
Object(en) van de keramist: