Lies Cosijn (NL), a rectangular block made of slabs of clay entitled 'Over the border', the outside with reliefs, loops and inscriptions, on five sides brightly drawn scenes that ignore the corners and continue all around, with the theme of affection and rejection or possibly jealousy (the story of Tancredius and Lucretia), height 23,6 cm, width 18,5 cm, depth 16 cm, 1982.
Lies Cosijn (NL), a rectangular block made of slabs of clay entitled 'Over the border', the outside with reliefs, loops and inscriptions, on five sides brightly drawn scenes that ignore the corners and continue all around, with the theme of affection and rejection or possibly jealousy (the story of Tancredius and Lucretia), height 23,6 cm, width 18,5 cm, depth 16 cm, 1982.