Ceramic plastic, two beams on a pedestal, slabbuilt, earthenware. Light rusty feldsparglaze with blue-black dots at the pedestal part and blue-black glaze at the beams. In this period (around 1971) Van Renssen left the scratch technique which he had applied at De Porceleyne Fles in Delft.
A picture in Spruit-Ledeboer, Nederlandse keramiek 1900-1975. p. 273 shows a variant also dated 1971 (coll. Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam).
Ceramic plastic, two beams on a pedestal, slabbuilt, earthenware. Light rusty feldsparglaze with blue-black dots at the pedestal part and blue-black glaze at the beams. In this period (around 1971) Van Renssen left the scratch technique which he had applied at De Porceleyne Fles in Delft.
A picture in Spruit-Ledeboer, Nederlandse keramiek 1900-1975. p. 273 shows a variant also dated 1971 (coll. Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam).
Objectcard available on request.