Morten Løbner Espersen (DK), vessel # 865, matt bright...Architectural ceramics
Noor Camstra (NL), imposing ceramic object, titled "...Sculptural ceramics
Paul Badié (FR) - bowl, handthrown, stoneware, nice...Studio Pottery
Paul Badié (FR) - tea service, handthrown, stoneware/...Studio Pottery
Pauline Wiertz (NL), Baroque lidded box with elaborate...Sculptural ceramics
Valdemar Pedersen (DK) - attributed, large bowl,...Studio Pottery
Peter Hayes (GB), bowed vase, thrown on the wheel and...Studio Pottery
Peter Meanly (UK), large constructed pouring vessel,...Sculptural ceramics
Petra Bittl (DE), large columnar vase with two openings...Sculptural ceramics
Philippe Dubuc (FR), very large flat lidded box with...Studio Pottery