Karin Aasen (NO), bowl on foot in fruit shape, turned on...Studio Pottery
Aldo Bakker (NL), designed by, waterjug, casted...Design
Tjok Dessauvage (BE), low, wide pot sculpture, open dark...Architectural ceramics
Rita Ternes (DE), folded and decorated plate, titled '...Architectural ceramics
Horst Kerstan (DE), round vase on foot with small mouth...Studio Pottery
Aage Birck (DK), geometric sculpture, casted ceramic...Architectural ceramics
Colin Pearson (UK), jug with 'wing' handle, turned on...Sculptural ceramics
Tjok Dessauvage (BE), large potsculpture, formed in a...Architectural ceramics
Ursula Scheid (DE), very large wide "floating" bowl on...Studio Pottery
Eline Brandt-Hansen (NO), very special large and heavy...Architectural ceramics