Lawrence (Larry) Bush (USA), a set of three pieces for...Sculptural ceramics
Kurt Spurey (AT), slabbuilt vase with nerikomi...Sculptural ceramics
Kristin Andreassen (NO/SWE), very large vessel,...Studio Pottery
Knud Kristensen (DK), oval vase shape with receding base...Architectural ceramics
Karl Scheid (DE) - hand thrown medium size bottle vase,...Studio Pottery
Karin Aasen (NO), bowl on foot in fruit shape, turned on...Studio Pottery
Jos Vulto (NL), rectangular lidded box in high-gloss...Sculptural ceramics
Johnny Rolf (NL), tall rectangular vase shape,...Architectural ceramics
Johnny Rolf (NL), an extensive monography about her...Miscellaneous
Johan van Loon (NL), high oval vase shape with sweeping...Studio Pottery