Detlef Kunen (DE), cylindrical vase, thrown on the wheel...Studio Pottery
Père Daniel de Montmollin, executed atelier Taizé, hand-...Studio Pottery
Daniel de Montmollin, Taizé ((FR), large heavy bowl,...Studio Pottery
Crossroads between East and West, Study of geometric...Miscellaneous
Conny Pols (NL), large ceramic spatial sculpture, titled...Sculptural ceramics
Colin Pearson (UK), jug with 'wing' handle, turned on...Sculptural ceramics
Colin Pearson (UK), fine small bowl on foot with three...Sculptural ceramics
Colin Pearson (UK), bowl on foot with six vertical wings...Sculptural ceramics
Claude Champy (FR), round pot, hand thrown, deformed...Sculptural ceramics
Christine Fabre attributed (FR), pot vase, thrown on the...Studio Pottery